
Showing posts from July, 2021

Alliance can't be ruled out

 Recent meeting of BJP chandrakant patil with rajthakrey has raised a big speculation in the maharashtra politics whether will there be an alliance between BJP and MNS,in politics nothing is impossible it's a game of opportunities,when MVA can form the government than why can't BJP and MNS both are hindu ideology party and now in current scenario MNS is considered as a voice of Marathi manoos especially the marathi youths in maharashtra,the alliance will be a positive steps in the election against MVA,in the upcoming nmmc election MNS will do much better than earlier election it is growing very fast in navi mumbai

Major incident in Shailesh tower society

 The attitude of the managing committee members are take it in writing from the contractors for all the responsibilities and relax,same situation happened here in shaliesh tower society in nerul sector 19A during the repairing work 10 labours have fallen from from the top and four are seriously injured fighting for their life and admitted in d.y hospital,the question aises why society chairman and secretary did not instruct there security don't allow labours inside the premises without the safety device,the work is going on from past several day's,the negligence of society chairman and secretary cannot be ignored nerul police must record their statements too.

Political gimmicks

 political pundits says it is always better to be in a regional party where you are and be in a lime light rather than getting lost in the occean hardly any politicians has rised after leaving regional party and joined national party

Dangerous stretch outside wonders park

 How dangerous is the stretch outside wonders park in nerul sector 19A you can clearly see the cars and bikes are openly neglecting the speed breakers and taking a steep curve this endangering the lives of morning walkers i request nmmc commissioner Abhijit bangar to immediately find a solution to it.

Security not visible at wonders park gate

 From last couple of days there is no security in wonders park located in nerul sector 19A, normally they are always present at the main gate, when the contract worth more than 100 CR is going on and labour's are working security has to be available 24x7