
Showing posts from June, 2023

eviction notice to M/S world renewal spiritual trust from Nerul sector 21 Shankaracharya garden NMMC Garden department issued eviction order on 16th June 2023 to the pvt trust under there name brahmakumaris were doing the work of maintenance and care taking of the garden from last few years but now brahmakumaris have stopped looking of the maintenance work and so NMMC have given contract to local contractor ,the 7 days notice period is over now when NMMC garden department will take the possession of the garden as brahmakumaris are still doing there activities of preaching to there followers inspite of notice period is over.


CIDCO demolition drive continues in ULWE,in a major drive a unauthorised RCC structure was demolished by CUC Cidco on 14th June in sector 8 plot 3 with the support of nhava sheva police team two officers and 25 constables along with Cidco security staff successfully did the demolition the entire demolition drive was done under the supervision of Cidco CVO Chief vigilance officer Suresh Mengde


serious management lapse in wonders park Nerul,As per the sources yesterday four children's fallen down from the over crowded ride in wonders park and they were admitted in Apollo Hospital for the treatment later on they were discharged now the public is raising the question why NMMC is not appointing professional company to run the park in the peak hours
