
Showing posts from April, 2021

Love your body

 exercising boost your immunity systems it enhances your body strength to withstand any challenges and viruses it is not easy for any government to provide at a time the best medical facilities to such a huge population so rather than criticising our government love and take care of your body like sportsman does it does not take much to achieve it be supportive to the system's not burden on the system's.

Wine shops targeted

 What is the logic behind not allowing wine shops online selling when many businesses are allowed to operate is there any documentary evidence that due to wine shops covid 19 has increased in navi mumbai and what is the harm in allowing online selling,in comparison to others activities which is allowed wine shops gives maximum revenues to the city and states and number of customers are far less than others if it is open in a normal way data can be collected from all the wine shops as all have CCTV installed,in any circumstances it should be allowed to do business.

Why injustice to wine shops

 When restaurants and bars can maintain social distance and do there business why wine shops owners can't do it's strange decision every time wine shops owners are targeted who gives maximum revenues to cash strapped states,bar owners are charging extra rs100 for 180 ml liquor will nmmc now wake up and review there decision to allow wine shops to operate maintaining sops 

Successful lockdown

 Nerul ground report lockdown is totally supported by navi Mumbaikars police team alert and vigil in the scorching heat

ACB NM eye on nmmc

 Yesterday once again big team of anti corruption bureau navi mumbai made a secret visit to nmmc the team had a lady officer also they scattered at different points mainly near town planning,city engineering, property tax department and in cafeteria they mingled among common visitors getting information from them and we're distributing pamphlets,it is learnt from reliable sources that they will visit nmmc frequently under disguise 

Fit to fight

एक खोजी पत्रकार ने नेरुल के कुछ देसी और विदेशी दारू की दुकान और परमिट रूम से पूछा पिछले साल से अब तक कोरोना के वजह से उनके कितने ग्राहक दुनिया से चले गए तो चौकाने वाली खबर सामने आई सब टका टक है सब मझे में हैं