Why injustice to wine shops

 When restaurants and bars can maintain social distance and do there business why wine shops owners can't do it's strange decision every time wine shops owners are targeted who gives maximum revenues to cash strapped states,bar owners are charging extra rs100 for 180 ml liquor will nmmc now wake up and review there decision to allow wine shops to operate maintaining sops 


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Big milestone achieved by NMMC schools

eviction notice to M/S world renewal spiritual trust from Nerul sector 21 Shankaracharya garden NMMC Garden department issued eviction order on 16th June 2023 to the pvt trust under there name brahmakumaris were doing the work of maintenance and care taking of the garden from last few years but now brahmakumaris have stopped looking of the maintenance work and so NMMC have given contract to local contractor ,the 7 days notice period is over now when NMMC garden department will take the possession of the garden as brahmakumaris are still doing there activities of preaching to there followers inspite of notice period is over.