Hospitals and clinics operating without OC
Renowned social activist sanchu menon brought out some shocking revelation through filing RTI he exposes several hospitals operating from years with out occupancy certificates in nmmc jurisdiction, following is the list
1-airoli ward plot 24/2&24/3 homeopathy hospital and research centre CC date 26/4/99
Dr siddheshwar narayan kharatmal plot 2-A CC date 21/02/2002
M/S sreedhar hospital plot no 104/106 CC date 24/04/1997.
2-belapur cbd node plot no 34 to 37 M/S h.s ranka foundation trust smt Meena ranka CC date 18/10/2011
3-ghansoli node
M/S sri sadguru seva mandal gut no 358 CC date 18/07/1989
4-nerul node 1 plot 21/3 phase-1 smt gunmala v.shah CC date 16/10/1990
Plot 4-B node 2 Dr s.c Shah CC date 9/4/1987
Node 1 plot 195 Shri sushila t.rajpal CC date 19/4/2004
Node-1 plot 1 M/S sushrusha charitable trust CC date 17/1/2007 and plot 1-B CC date 23/3/2007.
Node 1 plot 2 M/S manek health care CC date 13/2/2002
5-vashi node N.M.M.C hospital node 1 plot 28 CC date 12/5/1997
Node 1 plot 51 M/S mohanlal jivandas hospital pvt ltd CC date 17/12/99
Node 2 plot 57M/S panjab kesari club CC date 15/12/2011
Node 3 plot A-1/1 Dr chandru k.m CC date 2/5/2009
Node 1 plot 30/31 parikh nursing home CC date 31/3/1998
Node 1 plot plot 6-B Dr V.N yewale CC date 11/11/1993, now all this hospitals and clinics are operating without OC occupancy certificates from several years and nmmc ward officers and town planning department are allowing it to operate intentionally if any fire incidents or any major accidents takes place in such illegally operating hospitals than who should be held responsible is the serious question raised by social activist sanchu menon,nmmc commissioner abhijit bangar should take this issue very seriously and take strict action against all.
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