Mission begins against installation of unauthorised mobile towers in Navi Mumbai

 Powerful group of entrepreneurs running NGO, social activist, journalist, politician's and legal advisor came together at common platform under one umbrella in a mission to remove all the unauthorised and illegal mobile towers installed in the city of Navi Mumbai,the team comprises a renowned business men and founder of NGO smile foundation Dhiraj and uma Ahuja, positive thinker and guardian sree ram ghate,legal advisor surendra gowda and anshvardhan,famous activist anarjit chavan and tejinder singh,, politician includes Raju shinde from NCP, vaibhav sawant congress spokesperson Navi Mumbai, BJP Navi Mumbai mahila senior leader and mahamantri kalpana chatre and BJP mahila yuva adhyaksh suhasini naydu and most important the team got a support of Navi Mumbai no1 channel NMTV, many more powerful personalities has shown their interest to join our mission


  1. Declaring Authorize or Unauthorize Mobile Tower is done by Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation. Unfortunately there is hardly any proper survey done by the Corporation on the ill effect of these Mobile Towers installed on Residential and Commercial Complexes in City... The public health especially children, pregnant women and senior citizens are at higher risk..
    There is a need of a health study on the impacts of Mobile Tower...


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