Navi Mumbai MNS president gajanan Kale hero of teenagers

 Gajanan Kale roaring entry once again on the day of his birthday 30th August, blood donation is organised and distribution of MNS health card and Dental card will be done, he brought the MNS party on top position in a very short span of time,he is one of the most popular and dearer among the powerful marathi youth's a ikon of teenagers in Navi Mumbai for success in any election youth's plays the most vital role due to their ability and agility to make strong network on line and offline they are not WhatsApp karyakartas but the team which works practically on the ground level, gajanan Kale political graphs is always on the rise and it is very important that party supremo Raj Thackeray one of the most popular and powerful leader in the history of maharashtra he always had a confidence in gajanan Kale and supported him in recent time, which boosted the moral of entire marathi youth's in Navi Mumbai and in the upcoming NMMC election MNS will be certainly opening there account.


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