
Showing posts from August, 2021

Criminals under disguise as hawkers

 Recent deadly attack on TMC AMC in which she lost her two fingers indicates there are many hard core criminals in road side business as vegetables vendor's,few days ago our Nerul ward staff was also assaulted by a lady vendor near Nerul station, and FIR was registered against the lady of assaulting govt employee on duty,it's high time NMMC must immediately remove all the illegal vendors who is not having license issued by NMMC the attempt to murder attack on TMC a lady assistant municipal commissioner indicates there can be many criminals in disguise as a hawkers and might be involved in serious crimes thus there should be randomly thorough checking of illegal hawkers by the police.

Mission begins against installation of unauthorised mobile towers in Navi Mumbai

 Powerful group of entrepreneurs running NGO, social activist, journalist, politician's and legal advisor came together at common platform under one umbrella in a mission to remove all the unauthorised and illegal mobile towers installed in the city of Navi Mumbai,the team comprises a renowned business men and founder of NGO smile foundation Dhiraj and uma Ahuja, positive thinker and guardian sree ram ghate,legal advisor surendra gowda and anshvardhan,famous activist anarjit chavan and tejinder singh,, politician includes Raju shinde from NCP, vaibhav sawant congress spokesperson Navi Mumbai, BJP Navi Mumbai mahila senior leader and mahamantri kalpana chatre and BJP mahila yuva adhyaksh suhasini naydu and most important the team got a support of Navi Mumbai no1 channel NMTV, many more powerful personalities has shown their interest to join our mission

Navi Mumbai MNS president gajanan Kale hero of teenagers

 Gajanan Kale roaring entry once again on the day of his birthday 30th August, blood donation is organised and distribution of MNS health card and Dental card will be done, he brought the MNS party on top position in a very short span of time,he is one of the most popular and dearer among the powerful marathi youth's a ikon of teenagers in Navi Mumbai for success in any election youth's plays the most vital role due to their ability and agility to make strong network on line and offline they are not WhatsApp karyakartas but the team which works practically on the ground level, gajanan Kale political graphs is always on the rise and it is very important that party supremo Raj Thackeray one of the most popular and powerful leader in the history of maharashtra he always had a confidence in gajanan Kale and supported him in recent time, which boosted the moral of entire marathi youth's in Navi Mumbai and in the upcoming NMMC election MNS will be certainly opening there account.

Unauthorised mobile tower in nerul

 Recently it was exposed through RTI a mobile tower in Navi Mumbai nerul ward 100 sector 19A opposite navdurga society is without NMMC town planning NOC,is nowadays running on Diesel Generator which is carried by a mobile Van,on questioning senior official of MSEB executive engineer,he said there is some fault which is being rectified so temporarily generator is used and on the issue why electricity is provided to a unauthorised mobile tower,he boldly said we are not concerned with NMMC NOC,we make agreement directly with party so NOC issue is not considered by MSEB, on which Navi Mumbai social activist sanchu menon said when two state government bodies are not cooperating with each other how corruption will be stopped infact they both are promoting and supporting corruption, NMMC knew it is not having town planning NOC still it is not removed latest position is generator is intact connected to the tower, whether the generator set is having MPCB maharashtra pollution control board ...

MNS reorganising in Navi Mumbai

Once again positive beginning starts for MNS in Navi Mumbai, the party supremo confidence and faith on gajanan Kale and stood as a rocks of Gibraltar behind him in family crisis is liked by the strong force of MNS karyakartas and now regular party meetings had started in their seawood office led by Gajanan Kale,the youth's from navi mumbai is giving immense support to Kale.

Minimum road frontage of 9M

 Whenever NMMC election approaches the first promises is given of re development of old CIDCO building's, not only old CIDCO structures but there are many old Pvt building's in a very bad shape which also needs same attention, but within the navi mumbai city how many CIDCO building's are having 9mtr frontage road which is the latest government policy for redevelopment of small building's to a average size of towers up to ten storeys.

Today's builder press conference

 in the press conference today held by renowned builder from navi mumbai he spoke very diplomatically against the volley questions raised by the journalists,he praised all the politicians from thane to navi mumbai from different parties even the CM of maharashtra said he got everybody's support for redevelopment project but he criticised local politician and RTI activist mirje for creating unwanted hurdles, today's press conference was counter to mirje media briefing.

Bring transparency in recruiting contract labour's

 So many allegations are on regular basis of collection of 2.5 to 3 lakhs rs for getting contractual jobs in NMMC and many are being fooled also by giving cheapest jobs of collection of garbages or no jobs are give,in such a situation it will be better if NMMC commissioner brings transparency in the systems of recruitment of contract labour's,secondly it is very shocking how this poor segments of people's can manage to give 3 lakhs as cash money,it will be really a very bold step by NMMC commissioner to involve ACB to do thorough investigation of suspicious recruitment, finally none of the labour's come on the front and complaint of being cheated as they do CASH transactions

No anticipatory bail in act of atrocities

 This could be the main reason for the rejection of anticipatory bail,the act was amended in 2018, after which, first arrest the accused and than investigation starts as per many lawyers this act is also found to be misused by the ladies in many cases.

will allegations stand

 The current hot topic in Navi Mumbai is a wife of a politician has alleged her husband of running extortion network and making big income from nmmc officials,but till now not a single complaint and allegations being raised by any of the NMMC officials of being threatened and extorted,in such a situation will the allegations levelled by her wife will stand or will be proved baseless that time will say

Government plans to increase retirement age

 if government really wants to increase retirement age of the govt employees it should first increase the retirement age of state government employees from 58 to 60 years as central government employees retirement age is 60 years , there should be uniformity as both are serving for the government .

Height of uncleanliness outside wonders park

 The area outside the wonders park main gate  located in ward 100 nerul sector 19A use to be so clean,tidy and beautiful as costly tiles and marbles have been used and it was well maintained by security and house keeping staff but since this science project started and morning walkers entry prohibited the security at main gate and house keeping staff withdrawn,the entrance areas of the wonders park has become playing grounds of stray dogs today morning dog shits is found just outside the gate if such site is noticed by swatchta abhyan officials what will be our ranking, nmmc commissioner is requested by many walkers who relax there and do yoga and meditation  to immediately look into it.

Big achievement of manda tai mhatre

 if manda tai mhatre gets success in getting a plots from cidco for super speciality hospital and medical college in Navi Mumbai than it will be biggest achievement in the history of Navi Mumbai she will be rated among the top leaders of BJP maharashtra and the popularity she will gain from this will have a direct impact on the upcoming nmmc election .

Shree ji plaza without fire NOC

as per information received from reliable sources shree ji plaza society located in nerul sector 25 plot 24 is deprived of fire NOC from nmmc fire divisioin due to illegal encroachment and violations of approved town planning norms,in case of fire emergency who will be accountable and responsible time will say,in the meantime managing committee of the society says we got fire NOC but some problems are there in the society of illegal encroachment,the facts will be verified with fire department of nmmc